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Allowing or blocking cookies
Allowing or blocking cookies

How do I manage the cookie settings?

Written by Niek Spin
Updated over a week ago

In order to give you the best experience with our services, 12Build also uses Cookies.

When a cookie is placed in your browser, you will receive the security e-mail about a new device that has logged into your account. It is important to check that the IP address in the e-mail is yours. Is the IP address yours? Then you can continue to ignore the email. Is the IP address not yours? Then reset your password using this link.

You can find more information about cookies on our website. You can change or withdraw your consent for cookies at any time.

Please note: Does your computer keep asking you to accept cookies each time you visit our website, causing you to keep receiving the security e-mail? Then it may be that your browser is set not to store cookies or to delete cookies periodically. In this case, please adjust your browser settings to accept cookies or contact your system administrator.

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